When is my wedding

Monday, December 24, 2007

I've taken off the ring...

But don't worry guys, I'm still getting married. ;)

I've finally sent the ring for re-sizing again, and this time Shaohen and I met a really nice and helpful salesperson at Tiffany. She's really nice and helpful I tell you! I like her so much. If only I met her the last time I went for re-sizing, then it would have been perfect.

Oh well... now I'll have to wait till March before I can get my ring back.

It's 9 more months till wedding day! We're excited, but still have yet to really do any REAL planning.. hahaha.. the bug of procrastination. :P

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ringing Woes

The end of the year is approaching! One of my friends recently asked me, how does it feel like to be celebrating my last "single" birthday? Hahaha... I told him, I don't know! I'll let you know when I go through it. :)

Anyhow, I'm going to be re-sizing my ring again. :( Yeah, that means I won't be seeing it for two whole months again. I can see your eyes widening, jaw dropping and "WHY???" coming out. Well, last night I was happily surfing the net to learn more about the traditions of engagement and wedding rings. And I found out that, traditionally, an engagement is worn on the FOURTH FINGER of the LEFT HAND. Then when the wedding day is over, the wedding band is supposed to be worn together with the engagement on the same finger.

I had thought that engagement ring is to be worn on the THIRD FINGER of the RIGHT HAND. Therefore, the first re-size was wrong.

Maybe some of you are saying, "NO NEED TO FOLLOW TRADITION LAH! IT'S MODERN DAY NOW!"

Yeah, I know. But somehow, I still feel like following it la. It's sweet also mah! I want to wear both my engagement and wedding rings together too. So.... OH WELL! Two months of not seeing my ring it shall be!

Besides that, we haven't really gone about much for our wedding plans. We keep having the mindset that we still have a lot of time... which we have to change! Time is happily ticking by man. But really, there are so much nitty gritty stuff.

At least we have two weddings to attend these two months. :) It's a chance for us to observe and learn.. hehe.